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코로나 19 초기에 정부 신뢰가 다채널 정보 추구에 미치는 영향: 정보 불충분성과 감정 반응의 매개 역할

페이지 정보

  • 최고관리자
  • 23-05-31
  • 2021



This study aims to examine the relationships among trust in government, negative and positive affects, information insufficiency, and multichannel information seeking in the context of COVID-19, based on risk information seeking and processing model. The data of 1,500 participants from a national survey company showed that trust in government reduced the negative affect and enhanced the positive affect and seeking information from governmental websites/SNSs, the Internet, and television. As the negative affect increased, the respondents used all types of information sources, whereas as the positive affect increased they used governmental websites/SNSs, news organizations’ SNSs, individual SNSs, newspapers/magazines, friend/family/colleague, and medical professional more, and the Internet less. As participants felt that they needed more information, they sought information from the Internet, television, friend/family/colleague more and used individual SNSs less. The mediating effect of information insufficiency was weaker than that of affective responses. Those findings can develop risk information seeking models and be helpful for the establishment of risk managing agencies’ public communication strategies regarding emerging infectious diseases.


안지수, 구윤희, 노기영. (2021). 코로나 19 초기에 정부 신뢰가 다채널 정보 추구에 미치는 영향: 정보 불충분성과 감정 반응의 매개 역할. 한국광고홍보학보, 23(2), 113-139.