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Determinants of Environmental Risk Information Seeking: An Emphasis on…

페이지 정보

  • 최고관리자
  • 23-05-31
  • 2020



The release of Fukushima’s radioactive water has important consequences for public health in Japan, the wider region and further afield. Whereas earlier studies of information seeking on risks and trust have tended to relate to risk governance at the national level, this case poses more international dimensions, such as how those in South Korea consider and seek risk information, given Korea’s close proximity to Japan. In this study we examine the South Korean public’s motivation to seek information about risks related to Fukushima’s radioactive water, through analysis of primary survey data. A total of 1,500 Korean residents, recruited via a national survey company, participated in this study. Our findings indicate that negative affect such as anxiety and anger, trust in the Korean government, and controllability of the issue by oneself and experts were determinants for seeking information. We develop specifications regarding personal control in hazard characteristics as a way of contributing to the Risk Information Seeking and Processing model analytical approach. These findings can help inform risk communication strategies and wider governance of environmental public health risks.


Ahn, J., & Noh, G. Y. (2020). Determinants of environmental risk information seeking: an emphasis on institutional trust and personal control. Health, Risk & Society, 22(3-4), 214-230.